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Below is a list of resources which we have found very helpful for Chinese translators and interpreters. Some are in English and can be used as general resources by translators and interpreters of other languages.

Dictionaries and Reference Books

We listed an outstanding English Chinese legal dictionary which has become an indispensable tool in our Chinese legal translation services. We strongly recommend it to every professional Chinese legal translator.

We also listed a set of excellent reference books for Chinese medical translation services. It has an English version and a Chinese version. We have benefited greatly from these books in our Chinese medical translation services, and we believe it will benefit every professional Chinese medical translator.

On top of these, we listed a great general English Chinese dictionary and two style books for English writing and Chinese writing.

Specialized Glossaries

Glossaries we included are English Chinese legal glossaries, international trade glossaries, and merger & acquisition glossaries. They are handy tools for Chinese legal translation services and business translation services.

Text Resources for Translators

Text resources we recommended include news websites and business and finance resources. Some have bilingual texts. They are great for translation practice and for English Chinese business and finance translation services.

Audio and Video Resources for Interpreters

Audio video resources we included are court trial video archives, the US and the EU speech repositories, two US think tank websites, and various finance news and discussion forums. These resources are invaluable for practicing interpretation and building up legal and finance knowledge. They can also be used to hone translators’ skills in Chinese legal translation services and finance translation services.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback regarding the resources.